S1 Biology
To become a superior study program in the basic Biologycal sciences and its application for environmental sustainability and human welfare that is integrated with Islam and Nationalism by 2030
- Organizing character education that is based on faith and devotion to Allah SWT.
- Organizing optimal education and teaching in Biology to produce competent graduates.
- Carrying out creative and innovative research in Biology for environmental conservation and human welfare.
- Carrying out community service activities related to Biologycal applications to improve the community’s quality of life.
- Carrying out collaboration with government and non-government study programs.
- Biology portal
- Learning resources
Graduate Profile
- Academicians: Possess scholarly insights and communication skills to serve as a facilitators in academic activities in Biology areas
- Researchers: Possess the capability to conduct research in Biology areas and other relevant fields.
- Bioentrepreneurs: Demonstrate creativity and bio-entrepreneurial competencies in Biology and other relevant fields.
- Consultant: Able to act as an environmental consultant and other relevant fields including as a halal supervisor

Prof. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud.
NIP/NIDN | 196904042005012005 |
Field OF Study | Biology |
lily.surraya@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Agus Salim, M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 197208161999031003 |
Field of Study | Ecological Science |
agus_salim@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Prof. Dr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si../a>
NIP/NIDN | 197203222002122002 |
Field of Study | Environmental Microbiology |
meggapikoli@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Dasumiati, M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 197309231999032002 |
Field of Study | Biology |
dasumiati@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Priyanti, S.Si., M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 197505262000122001 |
Field of Study | Biology |
priyanti@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 196903172003122001 |
Field of Study | Animal Ecology |
fahma.wijayanti@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 196509022001122001 |
Field of Study | Microbiology |
nani.radiastuti@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Saifudin, M.Pd.I.
NIP/NIDN | 197407182003121003 |
Field of Study | Islamic Study |
dinlai75@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. drh. Raden Rara Bhintarti Suryohastari, M. Biomed
NIP/NIDN | 197208132014112003 |
Field of Study | Applied Biology (Biotechnology) |
bhintarti.hastari@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, ORCID, Google Scholar, |

Etyn Yunita, M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 197006282014112002 |
Field of Study | Ecological Science |
etyn@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | 199011102019032020 |
Field of Study | Plant Biology Science |
ardian.khairiah@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 198603122023211022 |
Field of Study | Biology |
fahri.fahrudin@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Narti Fitriana, M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 0331107403 |
Field of Study | Biology |
narti.fitriana@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |
The Biology Laboratory is located on the 4th (fourth) floor of the Integrated Laboratory Center building. The Biology laboratory has several practical rooms including:
Basic Biology
Each room accommodates 20 people.
Practicum or experiments carried out:
- Developmental Structure of Plants and Animals
- Animal and Plant Systematics
- Basic MicroBiology, Basic Ecology
- Plant Tissue Culture
- Microtechniques, Basic Genetics
- Environmental Toxicology
- Bioprocess Engineering
- Animal and Plant Physiology
Services / Services provided:
- Practice
- Research and development
- Water Analysis, Preparation of Microorganisms
- Microbial Analysis of food products
- Blood Chemistry Test
- Making Animal & Plant Preparations
The Biology study library is part of the science and technology faculty library. The library is located on the 7th floor of the Faculty of Science and Technology. Libraries are tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Faculty of Science and technology Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. To date, the library has a print and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, etc. The fields of medicine and health sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the library provides equipped with wi-fi services.