Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering
- Providing superior, advanced and integrated Bachelor of Mining Engineering education with Islamic knowledge.
- Carrying out studies through research by lecturers and students to develop community mining techniques that are integrated with Islamic knowledge.
- Organizing community service activities in applying public health science that is integrated with Islam.
- Mining Engineering portal
- Learning resources

Andrew Fiade, M. Kom
NIP/NIDN | 19820811 200912 1 004 |
Field of Science | Computer Network Science |
andrew_fiade@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Nurmaya Arofah, M.Eng
NIP/NIDN | 198706102019032000 |
Field of Science | Physical Chemistry |
nurmayaarofah@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Ahmad Fauzan Haryono, M.T.
NIP/NIDN | 199210182019031000 |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
ahmad@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

A. Silvan Erusani, M.Sc.
NIP/NIDN | 2012058001 |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
sylvanerusani@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Supardi Razak, M.T.
NIP/NIDN | 2006109002 |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
supardi.razak@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dewi Ayu Kusumaningsih, M.Sc.
NIP/NIDN | 2014088903 |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
dewi.ayu@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Supriyadi, Ph.D.
NIP/NIDN | 8815390019 |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
supriyadi@uinjkt.ac.id | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Dr. Ir. Moehamad Zoelfikar Zabier
NIP/NIDN | - |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
zabier@uinjkt.ac.id/td> | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Ir. Agus Sulaiman Djamil, M.Sc
NIP/NIDN | - |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
agus.djamil@uinjkt.ac.id/td> | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |

Mulyanto Soerjodibroto, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN | - |
Field of Science | Mining Engineering |
agus.djamil@uinjkt.ac.id/td> | |
Publications | UIN Scholar, Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar |
The Integrated Laboratory Center (PLT) is a laboratory of the Faculty of Science and Technology which is used for various practicum and research activities for students and lecturers. There are various types of equipment available which are very supportive for practicum and research. With fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment during the practicum. This laboratory has a very large area, in the form of a building consisting of 6 floors so that students will be very comfortable when taking part in practicums. Apart from that, various types of safety equipment are also available, so that students who are carrying out practicums in the laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.
The library is the heart of higher education and functions to support the academic movement and dynamics of higher education. Libraries are tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes.
Library facilities consist of:
- Library Center
The UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Library Center implements an open service system (Open Access), where every visitor can directly access the collections in the library. With this system, it is hoped that users will be able to search for information (browsing) and search for collections freely and as much as they need.
- Faculty Library
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. To date, the library has a print and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, etc.
- Online Library
Providing a digital library that can be accessed via the internet.