The 132nd Judicium and Graduation of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta
The 132nd Judicium and Graduation of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held its 132nd Graduation Ceremony and Yudisium with the theme "Creating an Advanced Generation Towards Global Recognition." Held in the Theater Room on the 2nd floor of the Faculty of Science and Technology building, this event marked a significant milestone for graduates ready to embark on the next stage of their careers.

The event not only celebrated the graduates but also recognized those who excelled in both academic and non-academic fields. These awards were a form of appreciation for the dedication and hard work they had demonstrated during their studies.

In addition to the graduation procession and award presentations, the event featured a Sharing Experience session with Ahmad Hidayat, M.Si from the National Standardization Agency. In this session, Ahmad Hidayat shared his career experiences post-graduation and provided valuable motivation for the students as fresh graduates. His stories and advice were expected to serve as valuable guidance and inspiration for the graduates in facing challenges and opportunities in the professional world.

With its theme, the event emphasized the commitment of the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Jakarta to producing graduates who are not only academically excellent but also ready to compete on a global level. The support from various parties and the active participation of the graduates and guest speakers demonstrated a strong synergy in preparing high-quality and competitive graduates.

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