The Master Study Program and the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program held a Studium General with the theme "Indonesia's Geopolitical Conditions and Their Impact on National Food Security".
The Master Study Program and the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program held a Studium General with the theme "Indonesia's Geopolitical Conditions and Their Impact on National Food Security".

The Master's Program and the Undergraduate Program in Agribusiness at the Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Jakarta, successfully held a Studium General event in the Theater Room on the 2nd floor of the Faculty of Science and Technology on Monday, June 24, 2024, inviting Lieutenant General TNI Eko Margiono, M.A. from the National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas). This institute is a non-ministerial institution under the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his presentation, Lieutenant General Eko Margiono, M.A., as the Deputy Governor of Lemhanas, stated, "Currently, geopolitical ideas continue to evolve with technological developments. Geopolitics in Indonesia cannot stand alone because it is interconnected with regional geopolitics."

He further added that social assistance programs (Bansos) could impact national rice stocks and food prices. For example, social assistance programs, particularly rice and basic food aid, are used as a campaign tool to boost votes. This affects national rice stocks, showing a production deficit compared to consumption of 2.8 million tons in January and February 2024, respectively.

At the end of his presentation, Lieutenant General Eko Margiono, M.A. recommended solutions to food security issues, one of which is through the policy breakthrough of the Food Estate program.

An agribusiness student asked, "The Food Estate program has not yet shown optimal results. What solutions should be implemented to make the Food Estate program successful, and can agricultural mechanization create national food security?"

Lieutenant General Eko Margiono, M.A. responded, "If you want a successful Food Estate, it should be mechanized because it will be much cheaper. However, the current challenge is that many of our people are still unemployed, and there are few job opportunities."

It can be concluded that Indonesia's geographical conditions have a significant impact on food security. Although there are several challenges to face, Indonesia has great potential to achieve food security. With continuous efforts from the government and society, Indonesia can realize strong and sustainable food security.

The hope is that through this Studium General event, all participants, including students and the academic community, can benefit from understanding geopolitical conditions and encourage the implementation of strategic steps to enhance national food security, enabling Indonesia to face global challenges more resiliently and responsively.

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