Workshop about the Concept and Curriculum Development of OBE Biology Study Program FST UIN Jakarta
Workshop about the Concept and Curriculum Development of OBE Biology Study Program FST UIN Jakarta

On November 21 and 22, 2024, the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held two consecutive workshops to support the implementation of an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum. The first workshop discussed the OBE framework, emphasizing the integration of soft skills into the curriculum, while the second focused on project-based learning methods, outcome-based assessments, and learning evaluations. The speaker, Prihandoko, S.Kom., MIT., Ph.D., highlighted that the OBE approach requires a clear focus on measurable learning outcomes, such as critical thinking and collaboration, to better prepare graduates for the workforce.

Furthermore, a three-level evaluation loop—course, program, and institutional levels—was agreed upon as a method to ensure graduate relevance to industry and societal needs. These workshops emphasized the importance of synergy between curriculum design, teaching methods, and assessments to enhance graduate competitiveness on national and international scales.

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