Workshop of Biology Study Program FST UIN Jakarta Preparation for International Accreditation with New Standards with LAMSAMA
Workshop of Biology Study Program FST UIN Jakarta Preparation for International Accreditation with New Standards with LAMSAMA

On November 20, 2024, the Biology Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta organized a workshop titled "Preparation for International Accreditation with New Standards" in collaboration with LAMSAMA (the Independent Accreditation Agency for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences). The workshop aimed to prepare study programs for accreditation aligned with international standards. The keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih Nurjayadi, M.Si., emphasized the importance of institutional commitment to improving infrastructure, the ratio of laboratory instruments to students, and compliance with the latest regulations, such as the Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 53 of 2023. These new standards, set to take effect in August 2025, will transform accreditation instruments to become more data-driven through integration with PDDIKTI.

During the discussion, various challenges were addressed, including the document upload process to the LAMSAMA system, which requires stringent validation, and the importance of inter-unit collaboration to enhance data quality. The speaker also highlighted that LAMSAMA’s international accreditation status is now recognized by INQAAHE, providing greater opportunities for study programs to gain global recognition.

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