Workshop on the Development of Mining Engineering Study Program with Increased Research Capability in the Field of Strategic Mineral Management
Workshop on the Development of Mining Engineering Study Program with Increased Research Capability in the Field of Strategic Mineral Management

On November 10, 2023, the Mining Engineering Study Program held a workshop with the theme, namely "Workshop on Mining Engineering Study Program Development with Increased Research Capability in the Field of Strategic Mineral Management". The event was opened by the Vice Dean 1 for Academic Affairs, Dr. La Ode Sumarlin, M.Sc. This activity was enriched by the presence of a resource person, Dr. I Gde Sukadana, S.T., M.Eng., IPM, Senior Geologist at the Research Center for Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste Recycling Technology, ORTN-BRIN.

Dr. Sukadana opened the workshop by bringing his in-depth experience and knowledge in the management of strategic minerals in Indonesia. In the first session, he discussed the current trends in the mining industry and highlighted the need for increased research capabilities in mining engineering study programs. Dr. Sukadana provided insights on the latest technologies, effective research methodologies, and the relevance of research in supporting strategic and sustainable minerals management.

This workshop not only provided new knowledge, but also built a network of cooperation between the participants and Dr. Sukadana, as well as directions for existing cooperation at BRIN in the fields of lecturer and student research, student MBKM and practical work of Mining Engineering students. The highlight of the event included a Q&A session that delved deeper into the ideas and solutions generated during the workshop. The collaborative spirit and passion for excellence in mining engineering was truly felt throughout the room.

By the end of the workshop, participants left with renewed knowledge, new insights into industry trends, and a strong connection with a leading expert. The event provided a significant boost to the research capabilities of the mining engineering program, ensuring that the university remains a leader in producing graduates ready to contribute to the future development of the mining industry.

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