International Conference on
Information & Communication Technology
For the Muslim World (ICT4M) homepage. ICT4M is a conference that gathers academicians, researchers, practitioners, professionals and students to address the challenges of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) within the Muslim world. ICT has been identified as a critical entity that is crucial and pervasive in our daily life for conducting relevant activities and task. The use of ICT can improve the effectiveness and productivity at work places and homes. ICT must be seen as a strength that complements our role and responsibilities as leaders, professionals, workers and students of Islam. Information is needed to effectively perform teaching, learning and delivering Da’wah, and its practical implementation. Thus, ICT and its infrastructure should be considered as a factor in the equation of our duties in all aspects of life: in the organizations, schools and mosques. The main Islamic principles should be taken as guidelines for laying the foundation of Islamic code of practices in ICT.
Date : 22 – 24 November 2016
Venue : NICT, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Jakarta
Organizer : Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology (KICT) International Islamic University Malaysia
Co-Organizer : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia