UIN Jakarta-ADIA Holds ICCLAS 2018
UIN Jakarta-ADIA Holds ICCLAS 2018

UIN Jakarta-ADIA Holds ICCLAS 2018

Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Menyampaikan Sambutan

UIN Jakarta-ADIA Holds ICCLAS 2018

Bintaro, UIN News Online – Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta, in collaboration with Association of Humanities Lecturers of Indonesia (ADIA) holds international conference with the theme of “Contemporary Islam and Culture in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.” on August 29-31, 2018, at Aviary Hotel Bintaro, South Tangerang.

The event was inaugurated Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA, accompanied by Dean of FAH UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Syukron Kamil on Wednesday (08/29/2018). By raising the theme on “Contemporary Islam and Culture in Southeast Asia and the Middle East”, the conference was opened with the inaugural presentation delivered by Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra MA from UIN Jakarta and Dr. Minako Sakai from the University of New South Wales Australia.

In his remarks, Rector hoped that the ICCLAS 2018 could enrich different areas of science that became the object of discussion. As a university that has a core Islamic Studies, UIN Jakarta is deemed necessary to enrich its scientific legacies through international conferences that highlights the religion of Islam from various scientific perspectives.

“his year, we have scheduled 10 international conferences, including ICCLAS. This is great because it will bring many scientists to discuss various issues of contemporary Islam,” said Rector.

In addition to studies, conferences such as ICCLAS also become imperative for UIN Jakarta to produce internationally indexed academic works. When the works are published, he explained, it is likely to be cited by various outside researchers.

Separately, Dean of FAH UIN Jakarta Syukron Kamil explained that this conference includes the plenary sessions and the parallel ones. The plenary sessions will deliver the speech of the keynote speaker and the papers of the invited panelists of this conference, while the parallel sessions will demonstrate the papers submitted to this conference by its participants. There are at least 69 research titles for hundreds of researchers scheduled to be presented.

The paper presentation itself is divided into groups such as Regional Languages and Islam, Islam and Literature, Islamic Library and Information Science, Islamic History and Culture, Trends and Issues in Wasathiyah Islam, and Cultural Studies in Islamic Higher Education.

“The conference scheduled research in a group of social sciences. Not onlylimited to language and literature, politics, but also various contemporary Islamic issues,” said Syukron (usa)

Sumber: UIN Jakarta