Coordination of Alumni Database Automation, Tracer Study and Career Development for Students & Alumni of FST UIN Jakarta
Coordination of Alumni Database Automation, Tracer Study and Career Development for Students & Alumni of FST UIN Jakarta

The visit of Muhammad Kholis Hamdy, Head of the UIN Jakarta Career Center, to the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) is an important moment to improve the career development of students and alumni. The agenda of this visit focused on coordination related to the automation of the alumni database, implementation of Tracer Study, and career development for students and alumni of FST UIN Jakarta. In an era filled with challenges and rapid changes, efforts to strengthen the relationship between universities and alumni, as well as providing ongoing career support, are crucial to help students and alumni succeed in the world of work.

Coordinating the automation of the alumni database and the implementation of the Tracer Study is an important step to understanding the career trajectory of alumni and getting feedback that is useful for improving the curriculum and educational programs at FST UIN Jakarta. By understanding the career paths of alumni, the university can design programs that are more in line with the needs of the job market, thus helping students prepare themselves more effectively. In addition, career development for students and alumni is a key focus, to provide holistic support in their efforts to achieve professional and personal success.

Through the collaboration between the Dean of FST and the Head of UIN Jakarta Career Center, it is hoped to create a strong synergy in supporting the career development of students and alumni. With the use of technology to automate the alumni database, as well as the systematic implementation of Tracer Study, the university can provide better and more relevant services for students and alumni. In addition, ongoing career development efforts will strengthen the bond between the university and alumni, and help create a strong network in support of professional growth and advancement for the entire FST UIN Jakarta community.