There are many study program options that you can choose at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Through the study program we offer you can achieve your first degree. We offer 8 undergraduate (S1) programs and 1 master's program (S2), namely:
No | Study program | Jenjang | Keunggulan Program Keilmuan |
1 | Agribusiness | S1 | Agribisnis Perkotaan berbasis Syariah |
2 | Informatics Engineering | S1 | Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems development (intelligent system) |
3 | Information Systems | S1 | Digital Transformation and Innovation, Information Technology and Management, dan Information Processing |
4 | Mathematics | S1 | Data Science, Actuarial, and Applied Mathematics (modeling). |
5 | Physics | S1 | Geophysics: interpretation of subsurface and seismicity |
6 | Chemistry | S1 | Food: halal and functional, energy and catalysts, environment and bioinformatics |
7 | Biology | S1 | Biotechnology, Sustainable Ecology, Animal and Plant (Conservation and Biodiversity ) |
8 | Mining Engineering | S1 | Tambang Explorasi: Exploration Technology, Mine Environment, Mineral and Coal Economy, Mining Geotechnical and Hydrology, Mineral and Coal Processing and Refining, Mine Planning, Mine Safety, Blasting dan Construction |
9 | Master in Agribusiness | S2 | Halal Agribusiness Management: preparation of halal raw materials for the processing industry (Food, Cosmetics, Herbal Medicine). |
For this scientific development, it has been equipped with various supporting facilities and infrastructure such as the establishment of an Innovation Center, Integrated Laboratory Center, Agribusiness Innovation Center (PIA), Sustainable Center, PUSTIPANDA, Agribusiness Experimental Garden, P3JPH (Halal Center) and other scientific development centers which is relevant.
After you have determined your choice of educational level, either a bachelor's or master's program that suits your learning interests and career plans, now is the time for you to register and take part in the selection for new student admissions at the Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Each level of education and specific study program may apply different admission procedures and requirements. Check out the information via one of the link buttons provided below.
Study program
Professor of FST UIN Jakarta

Prof. Dr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si.
Bidang Ilmu : Ilmu Mikrobiologi Lingkungan
Prof. Dr. Ambran Hartono, M.Si.
Bidang Ilmu : Fisika Terapan
Prof. Dr. Hendrawati, M.Si.
Bidang Ilmu : Kimia Lingkungan
Prof. Dr. Lily Surraya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud.
Bidang ilmu : Ilmu Biologi
Prof. Dr. Nur Inayah, M.Si.
Bidang ilmu : Ilmu Matematika
Prof. Dr. U. Maman, M.Si.
Bidang ilmu : Agribisnis
Prof. Dr. Achmad Tjachja Nugraha, M.P.
Bidang Ilmu: Ekonomi Pertanian