Saman by UIN Jakarta Chemistry Student Association wins 3rd place at the 7th Seismograph Ratoh Jaroe Competition
Saman by UIN Jakarta Chemistry Student Association wins 3rd place at the 7th Seismograph Ratoh Jaroe Competition

On November 18, the glory of Saman dance was celebrated by UIN Jakarta Chemistry Student Association. They managed to amaze the audience and judges at the Ratoh Jaroe The 7th Seismograph competition which took place at the national ICT center building. In a competition attended by various teams from all over, the Saman dance performed by the chemistry student team won 3rd place.

Saman dance, a typical Acehnese tradition full of beautiful movements and harmonies, became a unique and amazing choice to be performed in this competition. With passion and cohesiveness, the chemistry students presented the dance as a form of their love for Indonesian culture. The unified movements, combined with the richness of the culture, captivated the audience and made a deep impression on the judges.

The 3rd place finish not only reflects the skill in expressing the beauty of culture through Saman dance, but also the team's spirit of togetherness and dedication. Hard training, harmony of movements, and neat coordination made their Saman dance a mesmerizing and unforgettable presentation.

This achievement is not only an achievement for the Chemistry Student Association of UIN Jakarta, but also a form of appreciation for the diversity of Indonesian culture. Hopefully this success will inspire other students to continue to love and preserve the nation's cultural wealth, and see the beauty in every form of artistic expression produced.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-19 at 13.24.16 (1)      WhatsApp Image 2023-11-19 at 13.24.15 (2)

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