Workshop on Physics Study Program Development: Basic Research Strategy into Applied Research in Material Technology Development
Workshop on Physics Study Program Development: Basic Research Strategy into Applied Research in Material Technology Development

The Physics Study Program Development Workshop with the theme "Basic Research Strategy into Applied Research in Material Technology Development", which was held on Thursday, February 29, 2024, became a medium for sharing knowledge and experience, by presenting resource person Dr. Eng. Deni Shidqi Khaerudin, Senior Researcher who has extensive experience in research at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of the Republic of Indonesia. This workshop aims to explore the potential of research in the field of Physics and apply it to applied research that can produce significant material technology developments for the development of science.

Through this workshop, participants gained in-depth insights on how to transform basic research in physics into applied research that is relevant to the development of material technology. Dr. Eng. Deni Shidqi Khaerudin provided valuable insights on effective methods, tools, and approaches to connect basic research with the needs of industry and society. The discussions between the speakers and workshop participants not only resulted in a better understanding of the important role of research in the development of materials technology but also provided an inspiring impetus for participants to engage more actively in research that benefits the advancement of science and technology.

This workshop is not only a forum to convey information, but also a vehicle for collaboration between academics and practitioners to create a deeper understanding of the strategic role of research in facing the challenges of materials technology. Through the understanding gained in this workshop, it is hoped that innovative and high-impact research ideas and projects will emerge in the development of materials technology in the future.

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