AgriFest 2023 Series: Urban Farming Training as a Step to Utilize Narrow Land Towards Food Security
AgriFest 2023 Series: Urban Farming Training as a Step to Utilize Narrow Land Towards Food Security

Agribusiness Study Program in collaboration with Gemar Budidaya and HMJ Agribusiness and supported by PLT Faculty of Science and Technology held the second series of activities from AgriFest 2023. Activities in the form of Urban Farming Training. The implementation of Urban Farming training was attended by lecturers, laboratory assistants and staff not only from FST but also from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities and the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences. The number of participants for this training was limited to 80 people out of 110 people who registered. This is to avoid overcrowding in the Agribusiness Garden Laboratory with a limited area. Participants were divided into 2 sessions, in the morning from 08.30 - 11.00 am and in the afternoon from 13.30 - 16.00 pm. Each session consisted of 4 groups of participants.
The training materials were Technical Preparation of Planting Media, Technical Seeding and Transplanting for Hydroponic, Verticulture and Polybag planting. The material was given by 6 instructors from Gemar Budidaya who are also alumni of the Agribusiness Study Program. The instructors were also assisted by 8 members of HMJ Agribusiness and 5 agribusiness students who were carrying out PKL in the Agribusiness Garden Lab. 

The training materials were Technical Preparation of Planting Media, Technical Seeding and Transplanting for Hydroponic, Verticulture and Polybag planting. The material was given by 6 instructors from Gemar Budidaya who are also alumni of the Agribusiness Study Program. The instructors were also assisted by 8 members of HMJ Agribusiness and 5 agribusiness students who were carrying out PKL in the Agribusiness Garden Lab. 

Training in the morning and afternoon sessions went smoothly. The training began with an opening by the Head of Agribusiness Study Program and continued with the presentation of material by the Instructor. Furthermore, participants went directly to the field according to the group division. The participants in both the morning and afternoon sessions looked enthusiastic by participating in mixing soil, kendang fertilizer, compost and husks as planting media that will be used when planting in polybags and vertically. After that, transplanting was also directly carried out by each participant, both on hydroponic media and polybags. Each participant gets 1 polybag with their own name where the polybag contains vegetable seeds that have been transplanted. Participants will be assisted in the care of their vegetable plants in the Agribusiness garden lab by HMJ Agribusiness. Furthermore, the vegetables will be harvested simultaneously at the closing ceremony of AgriFest 2023 on December 15, 2023. RAPS

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