Consignment of Document Refinement and Preparation of Infrastructure for Chemistry Study Program FST UIN Jakarta Towards ASIIN International Accreditation Visitation
Consignment of Document Refinement and Preparation of Infrastructure for Chemistry Study Program FST UIN Jakarta Towards ASIIN International Accreditation Visitation

The consignment of document improvement and preparation of infrastructure for the Chemistry Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Jakarta in the framework of ASIIN international accreditation visitation is a very important process in ensuring the quality and excellence of education. Having a resource person like Dr. Dimas Adrianto, S.Si., M.Si., from the Department of Biochemistry of IPB, is a smart step in gaining deep insight into the standards and requirements of international accreditation. With his experience and knowledge, Dr. Dimas Adrianto provided valuable insights into what is expected by international accreditation agencies such as ASIIN, as well as providing concrete suggestions to improve and perfect all aspects required.

In this consignment, the Chemistry Study Program of FST UIN Jakarta ensures that the documents prepared are by the standards set by ASIIN, from the curriculum to the quality assurance system. In addition, the preparation of infrastructure facilities is also a major focus, including improving laboratory facilities and developing other supporting infrastructure. Through hard work and solid teamwork, the Chemistry Study Program of FST UIN Jakarta is determined to ensure that all international accreditation requirements are well met, to achieve proper recognition of the quality of education provided.

With the guidance of Dr. Dimas Adrianto and the hard work of the entire team, the Chemistry Study Program FST UIN Jakarta is ready to face the ASIIN international accreditation visitation with confidence and optimism. Success in this process will be clear proof of FST UIN Jakarta's commitment to providing quality higher education that is relevant to global demands. With the hope of achieving international accreditation, the Chemistry Study Program of FST UIN Jakarta enters a decisive phase to improve its quality and reputation as a superior higher education institution in the field of chemistry.

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