Discussion of Cooperation between Faculty of Science and Technology Jakarta State Islamic University and Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat Thailand University
Discussion of Cooperation between Faculty of Science and Technology Jakarta State Islamic University and Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat Thailand University

In an era of increasingly rapid globalization and profound changes driven by digitalization, collaboration between higher education institutions is crucial to advancing knowledge and technology. Recognizing the significance of the challenges to be overcome and the opportunities to be seized in the field of Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Smart Manufacturing (CITSM), UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and Thailand's Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University took a bold step in joining forces to achieve a common goal. This historic meeting demonstrates the strong commitment of both institutions to advancing research and education and contributing to the development of global science.

The event, held on October 18, 2023, witnessed this crucial meeting, which took place in the Main Conference Room of UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Science and Technology. The presence of the President of Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Prof. Sombat, and the university's leadership marked this cooperation as a solid first step on the road to deeper and sustainable collaboration.

The main objective of this collaboration is to increase research visibility through international publications in the field of CITSM. This means opening doors for researchers from both institutions to share their findings and innovations with the international community, contributing to the wider development of science. However, this collaboration also aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers, students, and lecturers from both universities, which can provide valuable insights and diverse perspectives in research and teaching.

Thus, this collaboration is not only about international publications, but also about enriching the academic environment in both institutions, enhancing competencies and capabilities in CITSM, and enabling them to jointly face the increasingly complex challenges of information technology. Together, FST UIN Jakarta and Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Thailand are poised to harness the power of this collaboration to achieve outstanding achievements in science and technology development at the global level.