FST UIN Jakarta Awards to Lecturers, Study Programs, Staff and Implementation Personnel
FST UIN Jakarta Awards to Lecturers, Study Programs, Staff and Implementation Personnel

Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Jakarta held a Lecturer Meeting as well as a meaningful Award Submission event to appreciate the extraordinary contributions of lecturers, study programs, staff, and executive staff in maintaining the quality and progress of the faculty. This event is a special moment where the dedication and achievements of the awardees are given proper recognition. One of the awards given in this event was the award for Best Journal by Progress, which was given to InPime, JTI, and AlFiziyah, recognizing their contribution in advancing the scientific world.

In the academic aspect, FST UIN Jakarta also honored lecturers who have shown excellence in scientific publications and contributions to their field of study. Names such as A'ang Subyakto, M.Kom., Dr. Siti Ummi Masruroh, M.Si., and Agus Rimus Liandi, M.Si., received appreciation for their outstanding achievements in research and teaching. In addition, awards were given to lecturers such as Taufik Edy Sutanto, M.Sc.Tech., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Syopiansyah, M.Si., and Rizki Adi Puspita, M.M., who have made significant contributions to curriculum development, cooperation, and learning.

Moreover, this award also recognized the best achievements based on the Main Performance Indicators (IKU), namely the Chemistry Study Program, and innovation and excellent governance, namely Informatics Engineering. Tendik such as Abdul Wahab, S.S., M.Sos., Ayu Kurnia, S.Pd., and Nunung Isnaini Dwi Ningsih, S.Si., M.Kom., also received appreciation for their outstanding performance. The awards are given with the hope that their achievements will inspire others and continue to motivate the entire academic community at FST UIN Jakarta towards even greater excellence.

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