FST UIN Jakarta Collaborates with New Student Caretakers, Encouraging Academic Success Together
FST UIN Jakarta Collaborates with New Student Caretakers, Encouraging Academic Success Together

On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Sharing Session with the parents of new students in the Theater on the 2nd Floor of FST. The event, which took place from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, began with introductions between the parents of the new students and the FST Deanery, followed by presentations of the academic programs offered at FST, and concluded with an interactive discussion session. The purpose of this activity was to provide parents with an in-depth understanding of the study programs their children will be pursuing, as well as the various information services provided by the faculty and study programs to monitor students' academic progress.

During the session, parents were encouraged to be actively involved in supporting their children's academic processes, with the hope that students will graduate on time and achieve significant academic improvements in the future. As a concrete step, an Advisory Board of student guardians was also established, functioning as a communication bridge between parents and the faculty leadership. This board will facilitate the conveyance of aspirations and information regarding students' academic and non-academic developments, creating a positive synergy in supporting the success of students' studies and personal development during their time at FST UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Rapat Ortu Rapat Ortu (7)

Rapat Ortu (6) Rapat Ortu (5)

Rapat Ortu (4)