Gathering of Advisory Board Team of Mining Engineering Study Program
Gathering of Advisory Board Team of Mining Engineering Study Program

Jakarta, October 30, 2023 - The Mining Engineering Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an Advisory Board Team Gathering event on Monday, October 30, 2023, this event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Husni Teja Sukmana, Ph.D, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. La Ode Sumarlin M.Si, Deputy Dean 2 Dr. Ambran Hartono M.Si, Head of Mining Engineering Study Program Andrew Fiade, M.Kom, Secretary of Mining Engineering Study Program Nurmaya Arofah, M.Eng. La Ode Sumarlin M.Si, Vice Dean 2 Dr. Ambran Hartono, M.Si, Head of Mining Engineering Study Program Andrew Fiade, M.Kom, Secretary of Mining Engineering Study Program Nurmaya Arofah, M.Eng, lecturers of Mining Engineering Study Program and the Advisory Board, which consists of leading experts and practitioners in the mining field namely, Prof. Dr. Ing. Syafrizal, S.T., M.T., IPM (Chairman of the Communication Forum of Mining Engineering Study Programs throughout Indonesia (FORKOPINDO), Ir. Rizal Kasli, M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN Eng (Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Experts Association (PERHAPI)), Ir. Priyadi Sutarso (President Director of PT. Adaro Indonesia), Dr. Ing. Herry Pernama, S.T., M.Sc (Coordinator of Production Planning and Minerba Utilization/ Associate Expert Policy Analyst of Directorate General of Coal Minerals), Ir. Tato Miraza (President Director of PT. Anugerah Bangun Nusantara, Chief Executive Officer of PT. Aneka Tambang), Drs Anang Rizkani Noor, SH, MM (Director of J Resources Nusantara and President Director, Nusa Halmahera Mineral (2017-2020)), Juju Juanda, S.T.., MBA (GM Marketing & Business Development PT. DNX Indonesia), Bella Puspa Octaviani, S.T (Commercial Engineer PT. HANWA Mining Service Indonesia (Alumni). 

The Dean of FST explained that there are various plans and critical insights related to developing the Mining Engineering Study Program at the Faculty of Science and Technology. The Advisory Board provided valuable insights on the direction of better education for this study program. Discussions about improving the quality of teaching to ensure graduates of this study program are ready to face challenges in the growing mining industry.

In addition, at this meeting, plans for closer cooperation between the Mining Engineering Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and leading mining companies and related institutions were discussed. This is a strategic move to ensure that students get better practical experience and enable knowledge and technology transfer between academia and industry. With the help of the Advisory Board Team, the Mining Engineering Study Program plans to strengthen this network of cooperation so that educational programs can be more relevant to industry needs and produce graduates ready to compete in the global mining industry. This event gave rise to great expectations and a collaborative spirit that will shape a bright future for the Mining Engineering Program.

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