goIT Program Student Innovation Workshop
goIT Program Student Innovation Workshop

The GoIT Program Student Innovation Workshop is a valuable opportunity for participants to explore various aspects of the world of technology and innovation. The event involves a series of materials that include a basic understanding of Computer Science and an understanding of the skills gap in the digital world, as well as various stages in the design process such as the Design Thinking Process, Identifying the Problem, Ideating Solutions, to the concepts of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX), as well as the creation of Wireframes and Storyboards. This event has been held for 3 days on October 23-25, 2023 at the Theater Room on the 2nd Floor of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta. This event is a form of cooperation between Tata Consultancy Services and the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences of UIN Jakarta.

More interestingly, this workshop also provided an opportunity for participants to implement the knowledge they gained by prototyping and presenting their concepts (Pitching Your Concept). Mentors such as Patrick Jay Veril, Ahmad Musofa, and Tania Vany provided valuable guidance in developing innovative ideas. After the event, participants were able to apply this knowledge in their research, with the hope that the best team would represent their university in the Asia Pacific level competition organized by Tata Consultancy Services. The high enthusiasm of the participants during the workshop reflected how fun and useful the event was in motivating the younger generation to contribute to the world of technology and innovation.