Guest Lecture of Agribusiness Study Program with Dr. Joachim Allhoff
Guest Lecture of Agribusiness Study Program with Dr. Joachim Allhoff

On October 26, 2023, Dr. Joachim Allhoff gave a public lecture on market research at the 4th Floor Theater of UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Science and Technology. The main audience was Agribusiness students. The lecture provided insight into the importance of market research in the agribusiness industry, encouraging students to explore this field. Dr. Joachim Allhoff provided valuable insights, helping students broaden their understanding of key aspects of the agribusiness industry. The lecture inspired students to engage more deeply in market research and develop their understanding in the context of the dynamic agribusiness industry.

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-26 at 16.10.13      WhatsApp Image 2023-10-26 at 16.09.49

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