Harmony of Collaboration: SIPEG Registration and the Togetherness of the FST UIN Jakarta Personnel Database Team
Harmony of Collaboration: SIPEG Registration and the Togetherness of the FST UIN Jakarta Personnel Database Team

The morning atmosphere at the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta was enthusiastic, as the Personnel Database team prepared to hold a special event - SIPAG Registration. The event aims to update and optimize FST UIN Jakarta's Personnel Information System, known as SIPEG.

The team eagerly welcomed employees and students who participated in the registration process. An intimate and cheerful atmosphere was created as students participated equally in inputting personnel data, helping to speed up the process and increase collective participation.

With the support of SIPEG technology, each employee can more easily manage and update their personnel information. The registration process became a moment of close collaboration between the database team and all elements of the FST community, creating tremendous engagement in maintaining the integrity of personnel data.

This event is about data entry and an appreciation of the unity and spirit of togetherness at FST UIN Jakarta. Every detail inputted becomes part of a solid foundation to support more efficient and effective personnel management in the future. This is part of a collective effort towards excellence and innovation in personnel administration at the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta.

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Database (3)