Initiation of Cooperation between FST UIN Jakarta and Buton Local Government
Initiation of Cooperation between FST UIN Jakarta and Buton Local Government

The Regional Government of Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, visited FST UIN Syarif Hidayatullah to explore potential cooperation. This meeting aims to discuss opportunities for collaboration in the field of internships in several companies in the Buton region, especially in the context of schools and mining companies. The Vice Dean for General Administration, Prof. Dr. Ambran Hartono, M.Si., Lecturer of FST UIN Jakarta and Ir attended the meeting. M. Syachrial Annas, MM. as Expert Staff of Buton Regent, Southeast Sulawesi. Previously, Ir. M. Syachrial Annas served as Head of the Center for Research and Development of Technology (Puslitbangtek) Electronics and Telecommunications, BPPT.

This collaboration is expected to be a practical learning event that enriches students' knowledge and skills in a natural work environment. In addition, the conversation extends to agriculture, where establishing cooperation with the Buton Regional Government is expected to open opportunities for UIN Jakarta students to be involved in agricultural projects in the area. Students are invited to be involved in various agriculture-related activities, from planting to processing agricultural products.

Interestingly, during the conversation, it was revealed that several people from the Buton Regional Government have plans to continue their studies in Master of Agribusiness at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). This became a starting point for designing further cooperation between UIN Jakarta and the Buton Regional Government, especially in supporting higher education in agribusiness.

This meeting created a hopeful atmosphere where both parties understand each other's needs and potentials that can be explored together. This cooperation is expected to benefit UIN Jakarta and the Buton Regional Government students and encourage sustainable growth and development.