Mining Engineering Study Program of FST UIN Jakarta Successfully Organizes 2024 Field Lecture in BRIN Karang Sambung Geodiversity Area
Mining Engineering Study Program of FST UIN Jakarta Successfully Organizes 2024 Field Lecture in BRIN Karang Sambung Geodiversity Area

Field Study 2024 - Mining Engineering Department, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

This field study is a regular activity conducted by the department as part of the Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL). The field study was held in the Geodiversity Area of BRIN Karang Sambung from May 13 to May 19, 2024. It was attended by all students from the 2022 and 2023 cohorts (2nd and 4th-semester students) and was accompanied by six Mining Engineering lecturers.

The Mining Engineering Department of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in collaboration with BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency), successfully organized this field study.

During their time at the BRIN - Karang Sambung Campus, students participated in various geology field study activities. The learning objectives for students during the field study included:

  1. Conducting field orientation
  2. Recognizing and observing rocks
  3. Identifying geological and geomorphological structures
  4. Understanding the morphology and environmental geology of Karang Sambung
  5. Learning about the geology and resources of Karang Sambung and Kebumen
  6. Performing geological mapping

The field study activities were not limited to daytime; evening sessions included night lectures and material reviews to provide students with the knowledge needed for the next day's field activities. The lecturers for the field study and night lectures were geology experts from the BRIN Karang Sambung Campus.

On the last day of the field study, students went on an excursion to local mining sites, reservoirs, and other locations.

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