Opening and Workshop of National Data Party 2023
Opening and Workshop of National Data Party 2023

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On Monday, October 23, the National Data Party Workshop organized through the Zoom platform kicked off with remarks from Visidata Director of Operation Anugerah Mitra, APTIKOM Secretary General, and Head of Mathematics Study Program. This opening session served as a gateway to a series of workshops that focused on the introduction and basics of using Tableau, giving participants the opportunity to expand their understanding of data processing and analysis. The event demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing the understanding and utilization of information technology in Indonesia.

The second day was followed by workshops related to improving data visualization and analysis capabilities, giving participants the opportunity to hone their skills in this regard. In addition, on the third day, there will be a workshop on advanced data analysis and result sharing, where participants can deepen their understanding of more advanced data analysis methods and share their experiences and work. This workshop aims to provide deeper insights and promote collaboration in the use of information technology to address data challenges in Indonesia. On October 30, 2023, the finalists of the competition will be announced.