PANDI Launches Scholarship Program for FST UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Students to Support Technology Education
PANDI Launches Scholarship Program for FST UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Students to Support Technology Education

PANDI (Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager) has demonstrated its commitment to supporting education in Indonesia by launching a scholarship program for students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Informatics Engineering and Information Systems as part of PANDI's 18th-anniversary celebration and its efforts to develop excellent human resources in the field of information and communication technology. The launch event, held in Ciputat on September 2, 2024, was attended by several PANDI figures, entrepreneurs, and academics, some of them are John Sihar Simanjuntak (Chairman of PANDI Executive Board), Jimmy Kadir (Director of PT Moratelindo), Sylvia W Sumarlin (CEO of PT Xirka Dama Persada), Ir. Soegiharto Santoso SH (Chairman of APTIKNAS), Slamet Aji Pamungkas (Deputy of Cyber Security and Economic Coding of BSSN), and Yudho Giri Sucahyo (UI Professor). The Dean of UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Science and Technology, Husni Teja Sukmana, Ph.D., was also there.

John Sihar Simanjuntak expressed hope that the scholarship would help students stay focused and motivated in completing their studies. On the same occasion, scholarships were also awarded to students from the University of Indonesia (UI) and Telkom University, reflecting PANDI's commitment to supporting the development of education across various institutions. Husni Teja Sukmana, Ph.D., expressed his appreciation for PANDI's support of higher education in Indonesia, particularly in assisting students to continue excelling and developing their skills in the dynamic field of information technology.

Pandi Scholarship