PBAK FST UIN Jakarta 2024 "In Diversity We Flourish, In Unity We Shine"
PBAK FST UIN Jakarta 2024 "In Diversity We Flourish, In Unity We Shine"

The Introduction to Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Jakarta, held from August 27 to 30, 2024, was an important event for new students to become more familiar with academic life and campus culture. Under the theme "In diversity we flourish, In unity we shine," the event aimed not only to introduce the academic system and learning environment but also to familiarize students with the various student organizations within FST. The highlight of the event on August 28, 2024, featured speeches that reinforced the spirit of unity and diversity. It began with an address by the PBAK Chief Organizer, Arian Nathan Pricha Mushoddaq, followed by a speech from the President of the FST UIN Jakarta Student Senate, Sabda Abdullah Azmi, who emphasized the active role students play in organizational activities. The Dean of FST UIN Jakarta, Husni Teja Sukmana, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., along with his team, also delivered a speech introducing the faculty's vision and mission, as well as the importance of students' roles as agents of change in the fields of science and technology.

The event was further enriched by program introductions, attended by Heads of Study Programs (Kaprodi), Secretaries of Study Programs (Sekprodi), and faculty members. They introduced the characteristics of each program, which heightened the enthusiasm of the new students. As a spirited conclusion, the PBAK event was enlivened by the FST UIN Jakarta Program Banner Parade. Each program showcased its creativity while chanting energetic cheers. The atmosphere became even more festive when the Mining Engineering program emerged as the winner of the parade, marking the end of this memorable PBAK event. The parade served not only as a closing ceremony but also as a symbol of unity and healthy competition among the new students of FST UIN Jakarta.