Public Lecture of FST UIN Jakarta with the theme "Product-Based Technopreneurship Starting from Students"
Public Lecture of FST UIN Jakarta with the theme "Product-Based Technopreneurship Starting from Students"

On November 20, 2023, the Faculty of Science and Technology held a public lecture event themed "Product-Based Technopreneurship Starting from Students." Students and lecturers attended the event. The speakers at this event were Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit and Herdiyanto Wibowo, SPd, MM, two figures with experience and expertise in technopreneurship.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, in his presentation, invited the participants to see business opportunities from the aspect of everyday life. He gave examples of how every challenge or daily situation can be a golden opportunity to start a business. It is important for us as students to always sharpen our observational instincts towards our surroundings. A successful business often stems from observation and sensitivity to market needs that may not be met.

Mr. Herdiyanto Wibowo, SPd, MM, as the second speaker, focused on technology development in the agriculture and livestock sector. In his presentation, he explained how technology can simplify and improve efficiency in gardening and livestock activities. In the current era, technology is not only developing in the industrial sector, but also has a positive impact on the agriculture and livestock sector. We can create more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to meet our needs.

The event ended with a question and answer session, where participants actively interacted and asked the two speakers. Students were inspired to be more creative and proactive in capturing business opportunities, especially those related to technology and innovation. Thus, this public lecture is not only a source of inspiration, but also encouragement for students to develop creative ideas and contribute to the world of technopreneurship.

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