Signing of Cooperation between FST UIN Jakarta with Al Azhar University of Indonesia (UAI) and Republika Media Mandiri
Signing of Cooperation between FST UIN Jakarta with Al Azhar University of Indonesia (UAI) and Republika Media Mandiri

This warm event marked a real and serious step in the collaboration of three major institutions focusing on the development of the Professional Learners and Internship Program in Science and Technology Innovation. These three big entities prove their commitment to make a real contribution to the world of education, research, and innovation in Indonesia.

In an intimate and energetic atmosphere, representatives from FST UIN Jakarta, UAI, and Republika Media Mandiri jointly signed a cooperation agreement. Contained in the document is a shared vision to create an inspiring learning environment and improve the quality of learners in facing the challenges of a modern world full of science and technology dynamics. This cooperation not only includes an academic approach, but also involves a practical dimension through an internship program. Learners from FST UIN Jakarta and UAI will have a golden opportunity to be directly involved in science and technology innovation through internships. This will hopefully provide valuable experience and broaden their horizons in the real world.

After the signing, the event continued with remarks from the leaders and representatives of each institution. They expressed their hope and commitment to maintain the sustainability of this collaboration and provide maximum support for the development of students and research in the field of science and technology.

With great enthusiasm and optimism, the signing ceremony was the beginning of a long journey towards achieving great achievements in academia and science and technology innovation. The parties agree to jointly make this collaboration an important milestone in advancing higher education in Indonesia.

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