UIN Jakarta's Center for Innovation and Technology (PINTEK) Holds IoT and AI-based Robotics Teaching Services for All People
UIN Jakarta's Center for Innovation and Technology (PINTEK) Holds IoT and AI-based Robotics Teaching Services for All People

UIN Jakarta's Center for Innovation and Technology (PINTEK) has introduced a new service that marks a new milestone in the world of technology education in Indonesia. Now, PINTEK opens the service of teaching Robotics based on IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) that can be followed by all groups, ranging from elementary, junior high, high school, college students, to the general public.

This decision was taken as a strategic step to expand coverage and create learning opportunities for all generations. Through teaching IoT and AI-based Robotics, participants are expected to understand and master innovative concepts related to future technologies.

To get more information, please contact Ms. Nenny through the contact number (+6281292218712). With this new service, PINTEK is committed to making a positive contribution in developing technology skills and opening the door to a deeper understanding of Robotics, IoT, and AI among Indonesians.

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