Welcoming and Farewell of Head of Administration and Head of Library of FST UIN Jakarta
Welcoming and Farewell of Head of Administration and Head of Library of FST UIN Jakarta

On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta held a welcoming ceremony to release H. Encep Dimyati, MA, as Head of Administration for the 2019-2023 period, and Yarma, S.IP, who completed his term as Head of Library Affairs for the same period.

In his remarks, the Dean of FST gave high appreciation for H. Encep Dimyati's dedication and hard work while leading the Administration Section. He said that H. Encep's leadership has brought positive changes in faculty administration, increased efficiency, and created a conducive work environment.

Afterwards, words of gratitude were expressed to Yarma, S.IP, who has been responsible for the management of the faculty library. The Dean of FST highlighted Yarma's role in improving the accessibility and quality of library services, as well as making the library a convenient learning center for all students.

H. Encep Dimyati and Yarma, S.IP, also delivered their farewell speeches, in which they shared their experiences and stories during their tenure. Both expressed their gratitude to all staff and lecturers for their endless support during their tenure. The event then entered a welcoming session for Dra. Faojah, MA, who will replace H. Encep Dimyati as the Head of FST TU. The Dean of FST expressed his hope that Dra. Faojah can continue the positive development that has been laid by her predecessor.

Dra. Faojah, MA, also gave a brief speech, expressing her gratitude for the trust given to her. She promised to do her best to continue the role of Head of TU with dedication.

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