With the theme "Young Generation Working Towards Sustainable Food Security", Agribusiness Study Program Organizes AgriFest 2023
With the theme "Young Generation Working Towards Sustainable Food Security", Agribusiness Study Program Organizes AgriFest 2023

Agribusiness Study Program of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah during October 27 - December 15, 2023 held AgriFest 2023. This AgriFest activity was carried out by the Agribusiness Study Program in collaboration with the Agribusiness Student Association (HMJ), Integrated Laboratory Center (PLT), Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta and the agribusiness alumni organization "Gemar Budidaya". AgriFest 2023 has the theme "Young Generation Working Towards Sustainable Food Security". The main purpose of AgriFest activities is to build the characteristics of the younger generation who have concern for social changes and problems that occur in agriculture and the formation of Community Garden as a step towards realizing sustainable food security.

Two of the four AgriFest 2023 agendas have been successfully implemented. The first activity agenda that has been held is the Young Farmers Love Cultivation Webinar. The webinar activity was held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 15.15 - 17.14 WIB. This activity is also a place to socialize AgriFest 2023 activities to the entire UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Community. The webinar activity was attended by invitations and training participants totaling 70 people. The activity was also attended by the Dean and Vice Dean 3 of FST as well as Kaprodi and sekprodi in FST.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-14 at 10.05.43 WhatsApp Image 2023-11-14 at 10.05.42

In this webinar, it was explained about urban farming and activities to utilize narrow land for vegetable cultivation. The presentation was not only done with PPT but also with a video simulation of vegetable cultivation so that it became very interesting. The training activities in this webinar were a preparation for the training in the second series which was held at the Agribusiness Garden Laboratory. 

The second series of activities from AgriFest 2023 is Urban Farming Training which was held on Friday, November 10, 2023 right on Heroes' Day. The presence of urban farming training with the target participants of lecturers, laboratory assistants, staff and students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is intended as the first step in the formation of Community Garden in UIN Jakarta. This of course supports the UIN Jakarta program as a Green Campus. More broadly, urban agriculture will make a city become more alive and will look more beautiful, in urban agriculture it is not just a food provider but can also be used for education to the community to be made as an educational service and can also be a tourist attraction for the entire city community.

The third and fourth installments of Agrifest are the Agricultural Product Processing Webinar and the Agricultural Product Innovation Exhibition. These activities will be held in the first and second week of December 2023. The exhibition activities will be filled with displaying student work from several ongoing courses, including: Introduction to Economics, Agricultural Product Processing Technology and Marketing Management. Furthermore, AgriFEst 2023 activities will be closed on Friday, December 15, 2023 by conducting a Great Harvest. RAPS

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