Working Visit of FST UIN Suska Riau to PLT FST UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in Preparation for International Accreditation
In preparation for International Accreditation and to enhance the quality of laboratory management, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University (UIN Suska) Riau conducted a work visit to the Faculty of Science and Technology at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, particularly to the Integrated Laboratory Center (PLT). The delegation from UIN Suska Riau was warmly welcomed by the Dean of FST UIN Jakarta, along with faculty leaders, including the Vice Dean, representatives from the Information Systems Study Program, and the Head of the Integrated Laboratory Center. The visiting team from UIN Suska Riau consisted of:
- Dr. Budi Azwar, SE., M.Ec. – Vice Dean II for General Administration, Finance, and Planning
- Eki Saputra, S. Kok., M. Kom. – Head of the Information Systems Study Program
- Anwardi, ST., MT. – Secretary of the Industrial Engineering Study Program
- Reski Mai Candra, ST., MT. – Secretary of the Informatics Engineering Study Program
- Oktaf Brillian Kharisma, ST., MT. – Head of the Quality Assurance Committee (KPM) FST
The visit aimed to study the management of internationally standardized laboratories, including governance policies and compliance with standards required for International Accreditation. Additionally, the team from UIN Suska Riau explored strategies for managing laboratories that can be commercialized by optimizing resources and establishing collaborations with external parties. Another key focus of the visit was discussing strategies to secure funding for laboratory facilities. The delegation examined various approaches to obtaining financial support through government-funded SBSN projects, as well as assistance from private sectors, NGOs, and international organizations.
This visit is expected to provide valuable insights for the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Suska Riau, enabling them to implement best practices and improve laboratory quality, ultimately supporting their goal of achieving International Accreditation in the near future.